Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The children were learning about following in Jesus' footprints this week! They used footprint activities, maze activities and stories of Matthew to learn about following Jesus. Our wonderful volunteers could be seen in the pods doing various activities to help show the children ways to follow Jesus. We are SO lucky to have volunteers with ministry hearts! Each child traced their foot and wrote "I have decided to follow Jesus" on the print with their name on the heel. We cut these out - with the help of Sally Beth Maxwell, thank you thank you - and will be putting them on the bulletin board that says "We have decided to follow Jesus". They will start at the children in the bottom corner and lead up to Jesus in the top corner! It was a great lesson with so many fun activities. Our activities are created to allow something that makes them work together, something that makes them listen and follow along and something that allows creativity. They are just growing in such leaps and bounds and our Church has allowed them a curriculum to just increase their knowledge of Christ in a powerful way. Thank you to all involved in our Preschool Ministry!

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