Sunday, September 2, 2007

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Happy Labor Day weekend!!! We had a great Sunday at Christ United in the Children's Wing. We were studying about Moses and the burning bush. They used a cut out coloring sheet to put their Bible verse in order and help them memorize it. They got to add crepe flames to the burning bush. They learned about how to listen to God when he talks by listening to the teachers tell them what color to use on the another burning bush picture. They did games learning to listen and games with their shoes off because Moses had been on Holy Ground and had taken his shoes off! Thank you to our WONDERFUL volunteers!! They got to start their DVD learning as well as the Bible lesson in Sunday school. The 3's got to also make puppets during Praise Patch.

We will begin work in their workbooks next week so please check and make sure that you guys are on the roll!

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