Sunday, August 12, 2007

Promotion Sunday!!!

WONDERFUL PROMOTION SUNDAY!!!!! The Preschool was in full motion! The music was playing, pictures were everywhere and the children were multiplying by the minutes! It was truly a blessing being in the Preschool! Our 3 year olds moved over to the other side of the pod and now have full control of the pod. They did a marvelous job!! Our 4's moved across the hall and then went to their 1st Children's Worship. They acted like old pro's! They felt so grown up and had a blast with the big kids. The 5's were kings and queens of the hill (pod!). They were all so excited to see their friends and share with them. They all made "red and yellow, black and white" necklaces to remind them that God loves EVERYONE!! We cannot wait to see you again next Sunday! And ... don't forget to CATCH THE WAVE THIS WEDNESDAY!

We are in desperate need for teachers for our 3's and 4's at 9:00. Please consider finding your place in this ministry. We have so many children who need and DESERVE to have people helping them on Sunday mornings! Contact Story Bridges if you are interested!

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