Sunday, August 26, 2007

August 26, 2007

We learned about Paul and Silas in prison this week. We used this lesson to show how you can tell about God anywhere (which was our BIG Theme for the month) - like Paul and Silas did through the marketplace, in jail and then with the jail guard when they were out. It was also another way to show the power of prayer. The children got to make chains like the ones that Paul and Silas would have worn as bracelets and then also used construction paper to make shackles listing places they could tell about Jesus on them! It was a GREAT Sunday.

Lauren Fairburn was our coordinator who was magnificent! A special thanks for Ashley Seawright and Debbie Copeland for filling in the the 4's Sunday School room. Lynne Currie, Felecia Crumpton and Bruce and Jill Black lead the Kindergarten Sunday School. Melissa Neyland, Holly Sistrunk and John and Libba Wise lead our 3's Sunday School. Praise Patch leaders were Lee Waits, Kappi Craddock, David Felder, Manda James and Woody and Lynn Boyd. They did a wonderful job with our 3's!!! All of our volunteers are SO wonderful. Be sure to thank them for what they do for your children. They are amazing and we would love for you to join us too!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday, August 19th

What a wonderful Sunday!!! Thank you to all the volunteers. Jennifer Tickner was an incredible coordinator; Lauren Fairburn was our Bible teacher who taught and played games with our children; Kindergarten teachers were the Felders, Pat Bolton and the Wilkinson's; 4 year olds were led by Joanne Mathison, Kathleen Mitchell and Roddy Bridges; 3 year old Sunday School teachers were Emily Schmitz, Laura Rogers and Sandra Underwood; 3 year old Praise Patch leaders were Ann Eastland Vickery, Claire Stewart, Mary Blair Johnson, the Maxwell's, Holly Sistrunk and Connie Jeliffe. We were so grateful to those of you who stepped up to the plate! Children's Worship was a wonderful experience for our children where Elizabeth Mask was added to the 4 year olds teachers!

They were continuing the lesson of learning about going out and telling people about Jesus. Pricilla and Aquila did this through their tent making with Peter and then again as they traveled on a ship. We focused on these things this week. The children were wonderful and enjoyed getting to learn more ways to tell people about Jesus!

Be sure to check the bulletin boards to get the BIG Idea, BIG Theme and BIG Bible Verse for the month each month. We encourage you to reinforce these with your child(ren) at home!

Enjoy these pictures from today. We are still looking for volunteers - please let us know if you feel that you are called to lead in this Children's Ministry!