Thursday, November 29, 2007

December Calendar

Family ADVENTure

The Children's Ministry helped kick off the Advent season with a fun Family ADVENTure! Wednesday night the Fellowship Hall was filled with families of all ages and sizes to share in a dinner, cookie swap, carol singing, BINGO games and then each family got to build a wooden manger scene to take home to enjoy throughout the Season! It was a wonderful experience and a great way to begin this Advent season remembering the reason for all of the Christmas excitement! Family Advent books were given out with activities and devotions for each day throughout the Advent Season. Please visit the Children's Ministry office if you would like to receive one to share with your family!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Moses led his people right through that sea!

I just LOVE our curriculum! The children got a wonderful hands on lesson about how Moses lead the people through the sea!! Look how much fun they are having and what a great project they put together!

November Calendar