Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Calling all Preschool Coordinators!

I need all Preschool Coordinators to email me at or as soon as possible. With all the email account changes, we seem to be missing some of your email addresses. Thank you SO much!


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Sunday, October 7th

Thank you again to such wonderful volunteers!!!!! I must say, every single one of them went above and beyond this week. From Ron and Emily single-handedly handling the 3's ... to Joanne baking snacks to go with the lesson ... to Kimberly Thigpen's wonderful Bible Story ... to my incredible coordinator and teacher, Allison helping me with everyone. Adam and Allison Jones began helping in Praise Patch and did a GREAT job along with our old faithfuls. Lynne held down a 5 year old room alone while the Fielder and Pat Bolton room entered with extra activities for their crew. It is just amazing watching these teachers grow with their classes and take such ownership in them!! THANK YOU!

The children were introduced to the new October Theme, Idea and Bible Verse. They were learning about how every house should be serving the Lord and it is their choice to make!

Thanks again to everyone ... and I have bins of glue sticks that will be in each room just for your classes!!!! No more mad dashes looking for glue!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

October Overview

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Do you know how the disciples were sent out by Jesus? Our Preschool does! Two by two! We learned about the disciples work with and for Jesus as well as a review of our September lessons. It was a GREAT Sunday. Lauren and Joanne put on quite a Bible Story for us! 3 year old, Lillian was even an active role in the lesson. Thank you to all of my wonderful volunteers. The children are so lucky to have each and every one of you. October will bring on a new theme and Bible verse! Help encourage our preschoolers to press on with the motivation they showed last month.